all postcodes in EX14 / HONITON

find any address or company within the EX14 postcode district

Postcode Area

EX / Exeter

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
EX14 4QW 1 50.854496 -3.261112
EX14 4JP 7 50.854286 -3.223359
EX14 4LA 10 50.863674 -3.224368
EX14 4LB 5 50.861262 -3.227846
EX14 4LE 9 50.861826 -3.229012
EX14 4LF 3 50.863664 -3.226091
EX14 4LG 3 50.864253 -3.227328
EX14 4LH 1 50.859209 -3.231586
EX14 4LJ 2 50.86449 -3.227022
EX14 4LL 1 50.862969 -3.226342
EX14 4LT 1 50.865453 -3.238899
EX14 4PF 2 50.864502 -3.223438
EX14 4PG 4 50.864406 -3.223908
EX14 4PN 0 50.804482 -3.182533
EX14 4PR 0 50.807087 -3.169442
EX14 4PT 0 50.808009 -3.170771
EX14 4PU 0 50.806878 -3.172332
EX14 4PW 0 50.810248 -3.174371
EX14 4PX 0 50.807111 -3.171557
EX14 4QA 0 50.863196 -3.220139